Jim Sherman memorial service, Fall River, left to right, Rocky Stone, Tony Kiedas, Ed Henry, Mike Powell, Ron Meikle, Howard Dutton & Deon Davenport.

Over the years...

  This here rendezvous has been the brain-child of quite a few folks over the years. This is the 20th Rendezvous since its humble beginnings on the Fall River near Chester. (2009)

  Fall River was a beautiful little cove with huge rock formations framed by cottonwood & aspen trees. 

  After a number of years, we needed more room to accommodate everyone so Red Pony (Ron Meikle) and Curly (Deon Davenport) made arrangements to hold the function here at the historic Camp Henry site.  We’ve had eleven great rendezvous here, generally each one bigger than the last.  We’ve been through days of warm sunshine, harrowing wind storms, torrential rains and even snow, but through it all we think the event has been pretty successful.

   With the never ending energy of club members, and the support of too many other fine people to mention, we have seen some shinin’ times indeed in this camp.

  Along with this event, the club also hosts a student rendezvous for fourth graders.  We demonstrate our skills for three to four days of the first week in May, and school classes come from as far away as Arco and Victor to spend a few hours with us. When we started this 16 years ago, (1993) we saw just over 200 students and their teachers.  Four years ago we topped 1,100, including students, teachers, and parents. If you’re interested in joining us for this event, see the Booshway.