The Fort Henry Rendezvous is a Rocky Mountain fur trade era, pre-1840 event, and the Fort Henry Buckskinners work diligently to keep our rendezvous as time period correct as possible in order to maintain the spirit of the Rendezvous! We want all visitors and participants to enjoy the feel of "Stepping Back In Time".  The following information and rules are set forth to further the Spirit of the Rendezvous and add to the accuracy of our portrayal of history.

All traders and vendors

Food Vendors


Trade Items

Please remember this is a 1650-1840, Fur-Trade Era event and we are trying to keep our Rendezvous to that standard. Trade goods are allowed at the discretion of the Booshway. If you have an item that is questionable, or have a question about any particular rule, refer it to the Booshway

Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: 

This list is not all-inclusive. Some items will be judged on a case-by-case basis.